This unit covers the skills and knowledge required to detail bolts and welds for structural steelwork connections consistent with design specifications.
This unit applies to a structural steel detailer who has to detail various types of bolts and welds for structural steelwork connections. The detailing may be done manually or by using CAD and/or proprietary steel detailing software.
The unit may apply to structural steel detailing carried out for residential, commercial, industrial or mining fabrication and construction projects. The unit assumes that knowledge of basic technical drawing conventions and procedures such as view, dimensioning, drawing layout, etc. is already held.
This unit requires the application of skills associated with planning and organising to complete structural steel detail drawings. Communication and numeracy skills are used to refer to patterns and specifications and complete and label sketches. Self management skills are used to ensure conformance of own work to quality standards.
Topics covered include Bolts, Hole Details and Welding Symbols.
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